News & Events

Osu Shopping Street

Only one month left in this year!

December Events in Osu Shopping District



This is the main schedule of events held in the Osu shopping district.
Please come dressed warmly.

Saturday, November 30 - Wednesday, December 25
Osu Year-end Sale: Look for Banshoji Man!
▶▶Search for Banshoji Man!

December 8 (Sun.) 10:30-15:20
■Sujata Festival (Seidokai)
Place/Manshoji Temple

December 8 (Sun.)
■Daikoku-sama's Good Friday
Place/Miwa Shrine
▶▶Daikoku-sama's Good Friday

Wednesday, December 18
▶▶Kannon-sama's good luck day, antique market
15:00~Chomei amazake (sweet sake) reception (free for the first 200 visitors)
Place/Osu Kannon
▶▶Kannon-sama's Good Friday, Antique Market

Saturday, December 28
▶▶Memorial day of Fudo Myoo-sama
18:00~Mochi pounding in place of rice cakes
Place/Manshoji Temple
▶▶Osu-no-Memorial Day

Akamon Myoo no Mikoto-sama no Ennichi (Good luck day for Akamon Myoo)
Place/Daikouin(Akamon Myouin Temple)

■28 (Nippachi) Festival
Place/Akamon St.

Akamon 28 Yose
Place/Akamon Dori, Cafe Kogen
Performances: All Kaientai performers

December 29 (Sun.) 18:30 Venue 19:00 Start
Osu New Year's Eve Charity Singing Contest
Place/Osu Engeijo

Tuesday, December 31
New Year's Eve Bell
Place/Osu Kannon
New Year's Eve Puja (Buddhist rite)
Place/Manshoji Temple